What are the main advantages of food forests?
How do food forests benefit our planet and people?
Advantages of a food forest to our planet:
Food forests develop into largely self-supporting systems, which require far less and optimally no outside inputs.
No nasty chemical fertilisers or pesticides need be used, protecting entire eco systems.
The permanent and evolving root structure retains water well.
Ground cover reduces weed competition.
The inclusion of greater diversity of species allows for far more variety of produce.
Complex root systems stop loss of topsoil from rain and flood events.
Undisturbed soil in established systems protects plant health through symbiotic relationships between plants and mycorrhizal fungi *
Help for pollinators, beneficial insects and biodiversity
Trees and plants lock carbon dioxide into soil.
Advantages of a food forest to people:
Food forests are low-cost systems, once established, providing free food for many years to come.
Super low maintenance once established (which typically takes around three years.)
Unlike annuals, the plants in a food forest rarely need replanting. Some perennials might be shorter lived. However, taking cuttings, dividing crowns and harvesting seeds could ensure that plants don’t need repurchasing.
Food is nutritious and non-toxic.
The diversity of plants provides a wide range of taste and textural experiences, providing access to lots of new and exciting foods.
We can experience food plants from the past which have been replaced by homogonous, less varied fruit and vegetables.
There can be access to more exotic foods, albeit as a result of a warming planet.
*fine filament threads of fungus living in soil which is an essential part of Earth’s ecosystems